Having good credit is a necessary goal, no matter your income. We understand what it's like to be denied credit and the ways it can affect your everyday life. CCCS partners with you, providing experts to walk you through a thorough credit report review. You will come away with a greater understanding of how to use credit wisely so you achieve a secure financial future.
CCCS starts by reviewing your situation and then giving you a breakdown of what's on your credit report. Next, we'll help you get a firm grasp of your finances, help you address errors on the report, and outline next steps for you to move forward. We won't ever judge your situation, but instead empower you with a plan for financial success. We advocate for you by acting as your mediator with creditors, working to improve your credit score and qualify you for lower interest loans. Obtaining confidential credit counseling with CCCS has no negative impact on your credit score; in fact, our certified counselors are qualified to help you improve your credit. And we'll do just that.